Don't Hate the Grinches!
I confess, I’m a holiday Grinch. People find this surprising about me because in general, I'm a friendly, upbeat sort of person. And,...

How Negative Emotions Can Help You Become a Better Leader
The surest way for a leader to get stuck is to prioritize their own personal comfort over the truth of what’s happening around them. In...

The Big Secret All Great Leaders Know: One Just Has to Get On With It
It took a year for Rene Zellwegger to prepare for the role of Judy Garland in the movie Judy. She had to learn to sing Over the Rainbow,...

Leadership is Really Hard. That's Why You Have to Make It a Practice.
Usually, sometime around their second or third session, my coaching clients realize that all this Unstuck Leadership stuff I’ve been...

How to Experience Heightened Creativity, Energy and Joy (yes, joy!) at Work
Last week we talked about a terrible, awful thing called the Contractive Cycle. Being in a contractive state is the number one cause of...

Infographic: How Your Six Basic Human Needs Affect Your Leadership Style
Hey there! If you'd like to learn more about getting and staying unstuck, sign-up for my weekly newsletter (green box at top right of...

Why You're So Miserable at Work
Okay, maybe you’re happy at work. But, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, a lot of the people around you aren’t. In fact, about 80% of my...

Want to Be a True Unstuck Leader? Learn to Let Go of Stability.
For all my talk about values and purpose and complex adaptive systems, none of it matters, and you will remain irretrievably stuck, if...

Infographic: How to Tell a Stuck Leader From an Unstuck One
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