It's Time to Let Go of What's Ending
Everything ends. It just does. So let go. Failure to let go of what’s ending is one of the most common reasons that people get stuck....

It's Time to Let Go of (inauthentic) Power
Let’s talk about power. When faced with complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity as we are in the current health, economic and political...

How Leaders Can Ensure They're Not Perpetuating Privilege in Their Organizations
Last week, we talked about the maladaptive system trap known as Success to the Successful. If you haven’t read it, take a peek at it...

Success to the Successful: Are You Perpetuating Privilege?
Let’s say Bill and Janet are equally qualified product managers who are each given a critical product development project. Bill is a good...

The Great Reboot Is Coming. Here Are 10 Questions to Help You Get Ready.
The world as we knew it came to a screeching stop a few months ago. Some of us were flung into crisis mode, focused on putting out fire...

Struggling to Get Things Done? Here's How to Find a New Rhythm for Work and Life.
You may or not have been aware of it, but in the pre-pandemic world, there was a certain rhythm to your life. You got up at a particular...

How to Cope if You've Had to Lay People Off
First of all, let’s get one thing straight. You’re not a terrible person. I know this because I’ve been in your shoes. I once had to...

And Now, the Slog Begins. Here's What to Do About It.
There was the initial frenzy of terrible, painful decisions, crisis management and figuring out new ways of working. And, then there were...

4 Things Leaders Can Do to Support Their Teams in Times of Complexity, Uncertainty and Ambiguity
I’m writing this post during the COVID-19 crisis, but the truth is, active and conscious support of team members is essential to great...

How to Gain Control When Everything's Out of Control
Yup, this sucks. COVID-19 is highly dangerous, highly contagious and spreading exponentially across the globe. The stock market has...