Conflict is Great. So Great.
Where tension is felt personally, conflict is experienced between two or more parties. It’s the result of a clash of ideas, cultural...

Tension is Good
My client Gilda is a dynamic, entrepreneurial, get ‘er done kind of woman. I think she’s awesome. Anyway, Gilda was recently offered a...

The Poison of Cynicism
In the novel The Bonfire of the Vanities, author Tom Wolfe refers to cynicism as a “cowardly form of superiority.” Sounds harsh? I don’t...

The Problem with Ego
Your ego is not you. It’s a structure built of a lifetime of experience, disappointment and pain (and some good stuff too). Your true...

The 3 Most Damaging Lies We Tell Ourselves About Leadership
Most of the leadership mythology we subscribe to was created in the 20th century world of fossil fuels and mechanistic,...

Don't Forget: No Matter What, You're in Charge of Your Career.
I hate to tell you this, but your career will most certainly not go to plan. You’ll be denied that promotion you deserve. Or maybe your...

Stop Ghosting People
Gavin is so close to his dream job, he can almost taste the free office lunch. He’s been through nine interviews in total, some of them...

A Different Kind of 10-Year Challenge
I don’t care what you looked like ten years ago. Unless you’ve endured the needles and lasers of a skilled dermatologist, I’m guessing...

How to Laugh at Yourself
Let’s get one thing straight right off the top. You are, I’m sorry to say, a ridiculous human being. Your body makes rude noises. You get...

How to Not Screw Up Your New Year's Resolutions
My favorite part of Christmas is the moment (usually on New Years Day) immediately after the tree has come down and the ornaments and...