Crunch Time: How to Hit Your Annual Targets with Just 2 Months Left
It's that time of year again. I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling the crunch. I have targets. Some are on track, and some are not....

Good or Bad - Surprises Have Much to Teach Us
When was the last time you were surprised by a result at work? Perhaps you missed your quarterly target by forty percent. Or maybe you...

360 Evaluations Suck. Avoid Them if Possible
Many, many years ago, I was at a corporate leadership training retreat with about 50 director-level colleagues. Things had been going...

Let's Spring Clean Your To-Do List
So here we are, officially at the beginning of Q2. How’s your to-do list looking? Have you started on those key initiatives yet? How’s...

Stop Trying to Do Everything Yourself
It’s hard to imagine a more self-defeating work pattern than trying to do everything yourself. And yet, I see it in my clients (and to be...

How to Sense What’s Emerging in Your Business
So, here’s some non-news for you. There’s a lot of complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity in the world. There always has been. Funny...

What the Hell Happens at Age 38?
Karim feels stuck. He knows he could be doing more. He just doesn’t know what he should be doing more of. He used to know exactly what he...

6 Things to Know About Building an Online Business
Thinking of breaking out of the 9 to 5? You’re not alone. As a leadership coach, I’ve worked with many clients who dream of freedom,...

You Can't Change a Poor Performer's Personality. Stop Trying.
When Travis hired Maggie to be his Director of Customer Success, he couldn’t be more thrilled. She was warm and funny, and that came...

Are You in a Bubble?
A long time ago, I worked in the newspaper industry. The people at the top of that industry were very, very powerful. The words they...